shopping & U2

[email protected]
Wed, 9 Dec 1998 22:33:12 -0500 (EST)

How fast did this yr go by? It's time for x-mas shopping again
w/ the pushy crowds & unbelievably long lines,
so I wasn't
expecting my trip to the mall at 7 (the worst time to be anywhere
within a mile from the place) to be very theraputic.
My tension was eased though when I stepped into Bakers,
women's shoe store, and was greeted w/ WOWY.
Thinking it was the radio I thought that was the last of
U2, but i was fortunately wrong. 3 seconds after it fades,
I hear the start of Sweetest Thing! I couldn't believe that
they had such great taste, actually playing
The Best. It
was a pain though knowing that I still had other stores to browse &
at least 40 new people per minute still coming in the doors,
but I was smiling & humming as I left Bakers.
Thank God
for U2!

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