Andrew Watson ([email protected])
Wed, 09 Dec 1998 20:05:11 PST

Things are getting stupid.
Things are getting very stupid.

Time to ask yourself why YOU are on WIRE.

My reason is because I enjoy hearing other fan's constructive comments
from the other side of the world.

I am the first to admit when U2 came to my town , yes I was out the
front of their hotel for a day without moving , trying to get to meet
these individuals whose music was brought me much enjoyment and
inspriration in my own musical endevours.

But some of us seem to forget that the band arn't Gods.
Contrary to popular belief , Bono is NOT the messiah - He is Paul
Hewson. A human being like you and me.
We all know the band are aware of Wire , possibly have read the listings
from time to time - maybe they have even made posts - who knows? - it's
not important if they have or not in this public form for an exchange of
ideas the transends the restrictions of distance because they are just
people like you and I - and fans of other bands - just as we are fans of
them. So when I saw all this a message from our leader crap , I was
sooooo very dismayed. Not at the message , but the subject titleing ,
just as I had been with all the Bono on heroin posts.

Bono , Edge , Larry and Adam are not our leaders.
Have a little faith in your own self determination - don't rely on
someone you don't know to guide you.
These individuals deserve some respect - we have no right to comment on
their private lives , no right to speculate on their vices and habits.
Most certainly NO right to fly to Ireland and hang around their homes
annoying them. That isn't being a fan - that's something very different
and past the line of sanity and thought.

I'm sure different songs have different meanings to every one of us.
Thats good. Draw your own inspirations , meanings and reactions.

BUT PLEASE , PLEASE , PLEASE don't cross the line into fanatisism. Don't
look for eveangelical meaning in every single word because I'm sure the
music wasn't written for that purpose. That can be a very dangerous
thing not just to U2 - but yourselves.

I mean NO disrespect to any Wireling , I'm just pleading for some of us
to put things in perspective and perhaps see the world without every
little thing some how making you think of U2.

One final thing - please don't get offended or annoyed (any childish
flames I receive will go unread and be deleted immediantly) - but for
the minority of us who have passed the line of being a fan , step back a
little , look at yourself and don't put four Irishmen in such an ackward
position of worship , and / or judgement.

Regards and Peace to all.

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