Katsiri Maria ([email protected])
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 16:13:47 +0300
>What do you consider to be the most significant day or event in U2's
Hi people,
I think that one of the most significant moment in the U2 career is when
met Eno and Lanois. Whenever there was a turning point to U2 's carreer Eno
and lanois were always there.
Apart from that we must never underestimate the amount of influence that
Friday has upon Bono. Many of the things we see or hear from U2, if you go
you 'll sense them (sometimes more, sometimes less) in the work of Virgin
and at the Projects of Gavin himself.
I also
>thought Live Aid would finish higher than 4th, but my wife thinks I'm nuts
>for even listing it.
Well, I must say that I agree with your wife.
>I think you could even throw several other days/events into the discussion,
>too. (the "Dream It All Up Again" speech springs to mind immediately.)
The Berlin period and the entire political situation in Europe and in the
entire world
back at the end of the eighties and the begining of the nineties had a very
significant impact upon the way the typically-western-thinking Dubliners
used to perceive
Even the experiences from last year's gigs in Southern America, in the
Balcans and in
South Africa will find their way in the new matterial.
I'm sure that U2 always feel the energy of the events that take place in the
world. And they'll always
use this energy in their work. Besides I think that's the essential type of
"energy" that makes them
what they are and us to be by their side for all these years. IT'S NOT ONLY
ROCK'N ROLL for Christ's shake!!!
I must also say that although the manager is an important factor, if
McGuiness had a less talented
artist in his hands he would not make out of him/her/them what U2 have
Thanks for your time
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