U2 and Gloria Estefan

Tanya ([email protected])
Tue, 02 Feb 1999 07:34:47 -0500

Yesterday April wrote:
>i was walking thru walmart music dept the other day and came across a cd
>by a relatively well known artist, the name which has suddenly slipped my
>mind!, who had a track called hold me, thrill me, kiss me. i looked at
>the date and it was released in 1994. batman forever was released in
>1995. i believe that i read somwhere though that u2 had had this song
>for awhile and found it apropriate for batman forever in 1995 so they
>used it. am i correct?

Gloria Estefan released an album in 1994 called Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss
Me, along with a single by that name. Actually, I thought "Hold Me, Thrill
Me, Kiss Me" was a cover song? I'm sure someone else out there knows if
this is true. I remember being distinctly surprised that U2 released a
song with this name, only adding the "Kill Me" (which I thought was bizarre
and morbid at the time, and I never really got into this song). As far as
U2's side, I don't know anything about the evolution of this song, or when
they actually wrote it.

This also reminds me of a post to wire a couple of months back when the
Best Of came out--someone asked why "Everlasting Love" sounded so familiar
-- Gloria did a cover of this one also and released it as a single (same
album, btw). That's probably where you heard it.


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