Re: What's the best "One"?

Sharon Watson ([email protected])
Tue, 2 Feb 1999 23:12:03 +1100

I'm with Simon on this one. The definitive live version of "One", now and
forever, is Sydney PopMart. Nothing will ever surpass the atmosphere of
that night when the elements conspired to unite heaven and earth in a piece
of sheer beauty and mystery and wonder. You can't hear it on a bootleg,
you wouldn't be able to see it on a video - you had to be there with your
face raised to the sky as the rain soaked your body, the rivulets ran down
your glasses, the thunder boomed in your ears and Michael's lightning lit
up the entire sky.

No greater version of "One" will ever be played, nor any greater version of

"Sleep, sleep tonight
 And may your dreams be realised
 If the thunder cloud passes rain
 Then let it rain, rain down on him"


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