[email protected]
Thu, 21 Jan 1999 12:20:19 -0700 (MST)
> Well, at least one. There is a second or two in Angel of Harlem where
> the strumming of Edge isn't synchronized with the music. He goes to F
> whn the music is playing C then goes to C when the music is playing F.
> What makes this a little more obvious is that Bono (in the background
> and barely within sight - only the widescreen version may catch that)
> starts singing when there really is no vocals yet.
I don't really know if you'd call that a mistake- the reasoning is taht
there's a much much better example of the music not matching the video.
The scene in SF where Bono spray paints the statue was not during All
along the watchtower as depicted (i can't remember which song at this
point, but not AATWT).
Which leads me to a question: Did Bono understand the "SF" in the "SF and
U2" sign meant San Francisco (and just used it to rail against the IRA),
or did he really think the person had a sign linking the with SInn Fein?
Thanks, and J, hope it added a bit of insight.
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