Re: Rattle andHum also had some editing mistakes

Haley ([email protected])
Thu, 21 Jan 1999 16:46:22 -0500

Actually, if you want to get technical about the SF All Along the
Watchtower section of the film scene - the whole trailer scene is SPLICED
at first, someone comes in and sits down while Bono and Edge start to work
out AATW then there's a quick jump cut and that guy is gone and Paul
McGuiness is sitting in his place. McG leans out the door of the RV and
says something... it's dubbed as him saying "Who do we know that knows all
the words to 'All Along The Watchtower'?" but if you read his lips that's
NOT what he is saying.

The scene works well and I'm sure that this was put together very
deliberatly to show in essence what happened in the trailer... I'm all for
brevity and I'm sure Joanou and the editing crew didn't think people'd be
watching it a 100 times, GLUED to every detail.....

silly Phil.....

Peace, Love & Vegetables
(how McPhistian is that?)
Peace, Love & Vegetables

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