Attention all Israeli Wirelings!
lucilla zaidenberg ([email protected])
Mon, 18 Jan 1999 04:55:46 PST
I am proud to inform you that this friday, the 22nd of january 1999, I
will make my first appearance on Israeli Tv! It will be as part of the
audience in the "hataberna" musical talk show at 21:00 on channel 1!
Nothing to do with U2, but still... My choir was invited to do some very
informal "back-up singing", and the people in the production said they
gave me a close-up... I'm the young woman in brown with the redish hair
and glasses sitting with a bunch of nice 50+ years olds just behind the
central table... Sorry for the Egotrip, but if someone is interested to
see how I look... And still, if I sing it's only because and for Bono (I
humbly kiss your hand). Hoping someday I'll get to the center stage,
All my love,
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