lucilla zaidenberg ([email protected])
Mon, 18 Jan 1999 04:43:02 PST
Dear Bono:
I was reading the list the other day and found news about the plans for
U2's new disc-and-tour... Providing it's true, I confess I was disturbed
to read U2 is planning to "break-up forever" in the summer of 2001...
But then, thinking about it I guess you're right... And still, I think
"breaking-up isn't the right word to describe it (and forever is such a
long time...). I guess the U2'ers will still be friends even after you
stop playing together, as you've always been... I know you don't need my
approval nor my permission, but if a huble fan can humbly sugest
something, I dare say this: consider it not a break-up, but an *extended
vacation*... A time to raise the kids, enjoy your life, and your money
(and if anyone deserves it, well, it's yoU2'ers). No hard feelings, and
*no regrets*...
And then someday, one sunny sunday after church, maybe the four families
will get together for a pic-nic or something in a public park in Dublin,
and one of the children will come up with an acoustic guitar: "Please,
Daddy, play a song for us?"
You will take the instrument and play a song, as Larry "beats stuff"
with his fork and knife on the pic-nic table, Adam and Edge joining in
as well as they can (under the less than ideal circumstances); as you
finish the song you'll be surprised to hear the sound of more clapping
hands then you expected, and you'll look around only to find out that a
few fans have gathered around, quietly seated on the grass, their eyes
glistening with tears...
Then as you're helping each other put the things back in the cars, the
idea will "pop" out of nowhere, coming from no one in particular: "You
know, I was thinking... And if..." "Yeah, I had the same idea... for the
sake of tha 'good old days'..." "Why not..." "Just one more time..."
And before you know it, without fuss, (a few strands of hair less, a few
pounds more, who'll notice... such is life, and we fans will be a bit
older too) You'll just pick it up from where you left it...
As for the "passing of the torch" (provided also this is true, and I
don't believe it), never mind it. Leave it for us fans... We'll keep
your "unforgettable fire" (all puns intended) burning in the golden
shrine of our hearts until you're ready to return and claim it...
I know it's maybe too early for all I've just said, but I just *had* to
say something. And never mind that "crappy band" talk: U2 will never be
"crappy"; the U2'ers are too good to let it happen.
I miss you already... Are you sure you can't stay?
All my love,
I wrote this letter to tell you the way I feel... And I wish you were
here, to see what I could see, to hear, and I wish you were here...
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