Re: Until The End Of The World

Souk Douangdara ([email protected])
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 22:49:20 -0800

If referring to anything I'VE written, I discounted "the" writing and "the" statement, not you
directly. You layed out info that to most is incredulous and many don't believe it. If someone
targeted YOU, that's too bad. I just don't believe the STATEMENT. If YOU believe it, but *I* don't
believe it and that equals us not believing YOU, oh well. Such is the stage you stand on. I just
don't believe the statement and it IS written badly, not implying that YOU wrote it. If YOU wrote it
and YOU believe it, then I can see why you're being defensive. Forget those nitpicking you. *I*,
again, just don't believe the badly written *IT*. That should not offend you. ~Shary

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