stupid hate pages
mandy williamson ([email protected])
Sun, 10 Jan 1999 23:25:50 +1030
hello everyone in wire land
I just want to say that all the 'outrage' happening here about the so
called U2 hate pages is a load of rubbish. One of them has been on the
net for 2 years, just no body noticed and now this guy is getting
bombarded with flame mail...just for stating his opinion
OK...we all know that U2 are the greatest band on earth, that is ALL
that matters, why should we care that someone else out there doesn't
share the same opinion as us. It would be a very boring world if we all
liked the same things.
Also, my best friend absolutely can not stand U2...and that is mainly my
fault. She didn't mind U2 until she met me. My constant adulation,
raving and quoting Bono at every opportunity drove her mad. I don't
hate her though do I???
Well, that's my bit done. Hope you are all loving life
Mandy Williamson
And you can dream, so DREAM OUT LOUD......
don't let the bastards grind you down
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