new album little bit!

elmo ([email protected])
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 23:43:17 +1000

how friends,

 i got a call very early the other morning (australian time) from my
woderful friend/u2 soul brother who is in ireland right now and he was
saying "elmo! i'm standing outside STS studios and i can hear u2's new
album playing through the air right now!" i asked him how it sounded and he
said very slow and bassish with bono's voice weaving over the top. no
electronic sounds at all. he said he thought they must be mixing it because
they were playing the same part over and over. last i heard before the
phone cut out were plans being made to go drinking in the temple bar and
daniel saying "there's a door that's open, should i go in there?" who know
what adventures awaited him?
 so, it all sounds good on the new album front.


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