Sharon Winsatt ([email protected])
Fri, 01 Jan 1999 11:56:05 PST
Anyway...I dreamed I was at Bono's funeral. It was in a big tent and
everyone was there (have no idea why I was there!) everyone was crying
and Michael Stipe got up to sing "Nightswimming.' I remember
thinking..'what a weird song to sing at a funeral'...but maybe it was
Bono's special request or something...anyway stipey did a most moving
rendition and had tears streaming down his eyes and everyone was
crying...I kept hearing splashing sounds so I got up from my
seat..walked behind Stipey..(no one seemed to notice or care that I was
walking around on the stage)...I went to the back of the stage and found
a baptistry (for those of you who don't know a baptistry is like a small
tank that can be filled with water..found in churches that practise
baptism by complete immersion)..I lifted the lid and there was
Bono..swimmming around completely naked. Don't ask me for graphic
details.. I apparently didn't seem to notice or care that Bono was in
the buff...I was mad at him for pretending to be dead and causing his
family and friends and fans to suffer...and I gave him an especially
hard time..all the while he floated and splashed around and smiled up at
me with a McPhisto smile...and nightswimming was going on and on in the
background..I kept getting madder and madder until I woke up...It was a
long time before I could listen to 'Nightswimming' again ....
Sharon W.
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