Bono's 'Lush Weapon'.

Samantha Wall ([email protected])
Wed, 23 Dec 1998 23:53:37 +1000

Hi Wire,

Word of warning - fluff post. But what else is new on Wire?

This is going to really prove to *everyone* how toooooooooo much spare
time isn't good for you......

The other day I stumbled across this web site that makes anagrams (takes
all the letters and mixes them into new words) from a phrase. Well,
having a U2 obsession and all, it wasn't long before, well, I'm sure
you're gonna guess where this is leading.

So - I start to input the names of our fave boys........

Let's face it, you can't do much with the four letters B O N O. It came
up with "Boon" which I guess could be a real compliment to him if you
happen to be an Aussie cricket lover. Considering the
alcohol-partaking-tolerance of both men, it is quite apt really :)

But it's a different story when you put in Paul Hewson.


Matters weren't helped by the fact that 5 mins prior to that I happened
to be ogling a particularly nice photo of Bono dressed entirely in
leather (the fly) kind of kneeling/squatting.

Hehehe - in relation to the thread "I don't see you when (s)he walks
in the room", I'm sure many people on Wire can relate to this.

Visions in my head.
Oh, happiness.

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