David E. Lynch ([email protected])
Sun, 13 Dec 1998 12:27:30 -0600 (CST)
I guess this should be directed to Brad Grantham since my question
concerns the list he manages. I've been on Wire for a few years now. I
don't want to rehash the argument that took place a year ago or so about
Exit. I was tired of that before it began and as a result skipped most of
the posts concerning it. If I hadn't skipped them, however, I might not
be posting now.
Brad, my question concerns your post that appeared in the 12/13/98 issue
of Wire (sorry not on the reflector version for various reasons). You
said that Exit is basically Wire without the non-U2 content but that one
must be nominated in order to be part of Exit. Again, this was not news
to me. When reading your post, however, I did think of something that I
had never considered in the past. Do individuals on Exit post information
that never appears on Wire?
My main concern with Exit and Wire (and whatever other U2 lists there may
be) is the dissemination of information to U2 fans. This is the foremost
reason I am a part of any U2 list at all. When we begin to segregate
ourselves then information may tend to stay within our 'circle'. I'm not
mad or upset about Exit's 'admission policy' or the formation of any other
list for that matter. Although, I would like to know that at least one
person (My guess is there is much more overlap than that) on each list
keeps the others informed about happenings in the U2 world.
Any thoughts?
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