natural born star/me lowering the tone of the list again

Zorro ([email protected])
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 12:55:19 +0100

Bono - a natural born rock star? what about the I Will Follow video,

ok, so that was LONG ago...

anyway, i was getting all extatic the other night, watching the Red Rocks
video, and my mom, who usually doesn't give a damn about U2, happened to be
there. she looked at Bono for a while and then called him "a good looking
and well-built boy" (as you may suspect, it was all because of those REALLY
tight pants he was wearing, and the fact that the camera was always
close to him...), which made me think that maybe she's not completely lost
for the case...

there is hope,


p.s. i've come across a site once, where they had something like U2 Top Ten
Reasons for various things, and i thought it extremely funny, like Top Ten
Reasons Why Bono Isn't Cool ("he sweats too much";), or Top Ten Reasons Why
They Keep Adam In The Band ("a perfect middle finger to England", if memory
serves..). the reason i'm mentioning this is that i've never managed to find
that site again, so i was thinking that maybe its owner is a member of the
Wire mafia... so, if you're out there, please make my day and gimme the
address of your site, will ye?:)

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