Re: U.S. sales figures, charts, and all that other boring stuff

Robbie Robinson ([email protected])
Wed, 25 Nov 1998 23:35:12 -0800


Do you know (John Ciao or anybody else) what the more recent
sales figures of Pop are in the US and the world? Those figures
you quote from Soundscan were around when the Popmart tour was
only about half over. I remember TV Guide quoting them when the
Mexico City Popmart was broadcast and they were old then.
Are U2/Island going to have to pay for another sales audit to get
the total current sales figures for Pop? I'm a bit curious as
to what the figures are now.


> As Christmas nears, I
> foresee it not only rising even higher on the U.S charts but
> outselling "POP" in the U.S. ("POP", according to SoundScan,
> only sold 1.4 million copies in the U.S. It sold about 6 million
> globally.).
> Ciao,
> John

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