[email protected]
Fri, 13 Nov 1998 21:19:06 EST
There are ALOT of reasons why i am so into this group...but I think a specific
moment of their concerts says it the best. Where else but a u2 concert can
you gather 40,000- 50,000 human beings celebrating love and courage and
caring? I've talked about this with my u2 admiring father and he agreed that
the singing of pride in u2 concerts is definitely an amazing event. Also I am
into this group because they make things like caring and facing and overcoming
your shortcomings cool. U2 have made something I have loved dearly(rock and
roll) mean something more to me than just angsty lyrics and tripping
beats....they've allowed me to use this favorite medium of mine to explore
both by myself and others more serious topics like activism, community
involvement and my struggle to follow my beliefs. The fact that u2 are so
HUGE just excites me more..its great to know that there are others in the
world searing for similiar things like I am...and I have been shown this
through the many Awesome conversations I gotten into with other u2aholics and
the vibe of the crowd a the concerts....I could go on and on why i love this
group so much, but I guess the key reason is because I see Love in this
group..not perfection mind you:) but Love and soul and a belief that the world
really can be changed..
in the name of hope,faith and love
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