Looking forward to the day when both bands can stop addressing and talking about "selling out"
Megan.E.Mc-Clure-1 ([email protected])
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 12:44:12 -0600
Regarding the REM Ups the Price thread...I will agree this is a very
well written article that raises some important points, but I think the
question to ask yourself is if you really care about the issue in the
first place. I for one don't. Music for me is music, and neither REM
nor U2 have done anything to cheapen the value of the "music" for me.
Sure they might be kind of hypocritical in the comments they've made in
the past about commercialism, but then what right do I have to
criticize? I mean honestly I am kind of enjoying the greatest hits
hoopla and besides that, they are releasing a cd that I really want to
own, and think that the 19.99 it will cost me is more than worth it.
My dream with both of these bands is that they stop reacting to the
public and what they want or don't want and do what I like them to do
best, release albums. If this greatest hits album relieves some of the
pressure to rush the album they are working on now, then I think it is a
good thing. I've never been much for the artist's purity thing, and I
personally like following a band with a huge fanbase...therefore the
motivations behind GH and special UP promotions certainly aren't enough
to make me stop following a band who's music I've fallen in love with
and nor wiill a band getting popular make me leave them....the only
thing that will make me fall out of love with a band is when the topics
they address I can no longer relate to, or the music they present (i'll
usually give a band atleast 2 albums to make my mind up on this point)
no longer moves me....that's it, all the record industry baloney doesn't
make a bit of a difference to my soul.
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