Lucy With The Spinning Head ([email protected])
Sat, 03 Oct 98 13:44:28 PDT
A defining moment for the band is just that. It is not 'the best business move', or
'the thing an individual fan remembers most'. And Live Aid is U2's defining moment.
I remember watching celebrity after celebrity take the stages in London and Philly.
The audiences reminded me of slabs of meat in the butcher shop window. But
when U2 did their bit, took waaaay longer than their scheduled time, and Bono
jumped down past security to get into the crowd, they proved before the largest
audience they had ever played to that they are a truly great LIVE BAND.
U2 has never had a knack for making great videos, and their albums are o.k.,
but nothing close to their live performances. They are a Live Band.
They had the chance of a lifetime at Live Aid--a chance to strut their stuff to the
entire planet--and they took that chance and ran with it, all the way to the top.
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