U2NEWS: History Update -- Where I am...

Who needs bathrooms? ([email protected])
Thu, 15 Oct 1998 21:26:31 -0600

'lo everyone.

I'm getting close to finishing several levels of the History section at
my page. I'm currently at...TA-DA! The next update will include the
ENTIRE ZooTV/Zooropa/Zoomerang tour!

If you haven't seen the History section, follow the following link:


(it will be updated by the end of next week)

These tasks are yet to be completed, and a few comments:

1) I have 1300(or so) articles that will be hyperlinked to the
text dates on those pages.(This admittedly is quite a large task...)

I will be getting about 15 Meg, which should be more than enough to
hold the .html files...

2) I am just about to start the POPMart dates. This means that I
require submissions/descriptions of the concerts. If you have
attended any of the dates, please email me with a description,
your FULL NAME(not your email/handle please!), city/town/village/etc,
country so that you can be credited with the information.

To really help me out :), I'd like to have the following information:

a) Opening Acts(including Howie B)
b) Set List
c) a general overview of the show -- did anything wierd/interesting
d) Miami Girl descriptions!
e) Your position relative to the stage(were you by the B-stage? Were
you off to the left?)

3) I'm looking for any articles related(in any way) to POPMart concerts,
events, etc.. I am looking for video interviews, etc., as well...
Let me know if you have them, and I'll see what I can do about
arranging a trade/paying you...

4) I'm looking for pictures. Now, I know that this is somewhat dicey
in that I'm going to recieve a buh-zillion of them. Soooo, if you
have pictures, please just send me a link to them so that I can take a
look. A date for when they were taken would be greatly appreciated.
(and of course, your Full Name, etc.)

** I do not want pictures that are scanned from books/magazines/etc. **

I want PERSONAL photos. And I'm not only interested in pics from
concerts -- if you have pics of yourself with the band at hotels/bars/
etc., by all means, send them to me...

Thanks for your time and patience,


[email protected] U2 news: http://www.cableregina.com/users/u2news/u2.html

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