Re: The Fly / B-sides connection?

PATTY CULLITON ([email protected])
Thu, 15 Oct 1998 22:15:54, -0500

J said:
>>I heard somewhere that The Fly single was made to be available for
only three weeks tehn was pulled out of the shelves for good. Is this
true? If it were then how come I still see a lot of Fly singles
Does anyone think the B-sides compilation will be a collectible? Or
will retailer over-order then hoarde the albums, and have an over-
abundance of it in the years to come? <<

You sort of answered your first paragraph question with your second
paragraph theory. The difference being that the retailers weren't
forced to pull The Fly from the shelves after three weeks - they just
weren't allowed to order any more from PGD after the three weeks.


In The Name Of Love, Patty

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