IWF/ 3eb question

Dara Zeehandelaar ([email protected])
Sun, 11 Oct 1998 10:20:03 -0700

I had forgotten about this for awhile, but seeing Third Eye Blind play I
Will Follow last night reminded me...
awhile ago, there was a contest up on 3eb's website
(http://www.3eb.com)- I'm not sure if it's still there or not. Anyway,
if you voted in some contest they were holding, they gave you a password
so you could listen to "a new" 3eb song, presumably something coming out
on their forthcoming album. Well, the song they gave you the password
for was them playing I Will Follow...does anybody out there with record
contacts know if there are any plans for them to *release* IWF
somewhere? I know they play it all the time, but...they gave the
outright impression that this song *WOULD* be on something coming out by
3eb in the future. Just wondering...

(BTW, I want crazy when they played it...friends thought I was insane)

wearing lemon,

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