Re: Marilyn Manson ripping U2 off

Robbie Robinson ([email protected])
Thu, 17 Sep 1998 10:14:50 -0700


Try laughing more, Rob.
I forgot that you don't always understand humor in
e-mails. Maybe I should've put 'this e-mail is suppose
to be considered humrous and scarcastic' at the top.
What makes you think I was talking about the Christian
fundamentalist? I was talking about the Taoist fundamentalist.
and yes, 90% of the audiences they screen and let into
those MTV award shows *are* brain dead.
I suppose I should have put a smiley face or a heheheheheh
after each sentence.

Sheesh, excuuuuuuse me, why do I even try sometimes.


Knetsch, Robert wrote:
> Knetsch, Robert wrote:
> >
> > Someone is using U2 to sell Marilyn Manson....I can think
> of very little
> > else that would insult such a noble and awesome band as
> that. If you check
> * out:
> *
> <SNIP>
> >
> > Rob Knetsch
> What Ho! Your bad mouthin' Marilyn?
> Have you no humor?
> I like the lad. He makes me laugh and
> he's the only one around now that gets
> some 'adults' riled up,
> While I DID bad mouth Manson, may I point out that the
> intent of my e-mail was to point out the fact that they seem to be stealing
> from U2. Moreover, I looked at the song list for Mechanical Animals.
> Hmmm...let's ee, one song is called "Last Day On Earth"....Remind you of a
> Pop song? My point is that he seems to have no creativity, or he has to
> borrow from somone who is better than he.
> even if it's
> just the lame brain fundamentalists.
> Sheeesh....just because someone doesn't like Marilyn Manson,
> that makes them a fundamentalist? Someone from WIRE complained earlier
> about Christian bashing, and I guess you're the one who's been doing it.
> You like to slap on labels so easily, my friend? Yet its okay that Manson
> very deliberately, overtly, and without any creativity insults Christianity?
> I am supposed to sit there like a sheep and LIKE it? Of COURSE any
> Christian would be offended at that....that is who he is directing his anger
> at! And that's what it is: anger (I've seen his autobiography). So, don't
> tell me I have no humour.....and you lose all credibility calling people
> fundamentalist at the drop of a hat.
> I'm all for anybody that can get up *their*
> nose.
> Anybody out there that can remember or at
> least has read about back when large portions
> of the population use to react to *all* rock
> bands this way?I love to watch him perform on music and
> video
> award shows. All the cutesy brain dead MTV audience is
> appluding Puff Daddy and Hanson and Sprice Girls or
> whatever and then Marilyn Manson come on and all these
> so call rock fans are fainting in shock and calling for
> their mommy :]
> ALL the MTV audience is brain dead? How many people here
> watch MTV (or MuchMusic for my fellow Canadians) in the hope to see a U2
> video? Or to see other bands that are less sugary? Extreme reactionary
> rock is one thing....helpful counter-cultural critique is another. Singing
> against the Vietnam war, say, may have offended some people, but singing for
> the purpose JUST to shock is reactionary and self-serving. Marilyn Manson
> is just as useless as Puff Daddy and Hanson.
> Rob

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