[email protected]
Thu, 17 Sep 1998 10:26:45 EDT
*****Hi Everyone!
I was going through my U2 pix the other day and came across one of my
favorites. ..( okay, they're ALL my faves, right?) .. a picture of Ziggy and
Rita Marley, and our man Bono from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame where Bono
inducted in Bob Marley. ( taken from Rolling Stone magazine)
I have this and another one that's the same shot, just very slightly
If any of you have ANYTHING more pertaining to this ceremony will ya PLEASE,
please ( with lemons on top) email me with it or tell me where ya saw
I already have the SPEECH, but I would like any more pictures if possible, (
there's one of Bono kissin' Rita on the cheek that I would deeply appreciate
if someone has it!!) sound recordings ( ya gotta hear Bono go, "
....jahhmaycahn" ) , and ( woo, brace myself), ESPECIALLY video. ( Bono was
lookin' FINE that night, lol)
I would greatly appreciate Anything anyone can help me with on this! =) If
anyone would like the picture I have too, I'll Definately send it along if
ya have something to send me. I'll send it anyway, if asked nicely. ;)
Thanks y'all!
*** "Rock and roll loves is juvenilia, it's caricatures, it's cartoons. The
protest singer, the gospel singer, the pop star, the sex god, you more mature
messiah types..{ laughs } **** Bono
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