VMA Uncensored and #8.5

[email protected]
Tue, 8 Sep 1998 13:27:02 EDT

Don't know if many of you have caught the Video Music Awards Uncensored. But
U2 appears several times. One of the longer features has one of the producers
saying the Detroit Zoo TV/Garth performance was one of best live pieces they
have done. He talks about how difficult it was to synch everything up. That
Garth (Dana Carvey) was only supposed to have about 30 seconds before hooking
up with Bono and guys but they had a bit of technical difficulty so he wound
up improvising for 1 1/2 minutes. And that Bono and Dana had rehearsed some
of the stuff beforehand.

Also, during the show they showed snippets of the performances by U2 in a
medley of all musical performances during the VMA history. Anyway, it was
actually a rather amusing 2 hours retrospective to watch. Here are the last
times it will be shown before thursday's awards show.

TUE 9/8 6pm-8pm
THU 9/10 4:30pm-6:30pm


and Mr. Showbiz is reporting the Reuter's Story of the GH saga.


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