You Too Content

Kate Bellgard ([email protected])
Tue, 8 Sep 1998 17:45:53 +1000

Reading Wire today... its a joy as always,

Petty fights, some silly info, personal experiences and chaos.

Some people hate it when WIRE resorts to anything other than the relay of
*factual info* others hate to see debates drag on for days. Me I love it,
I loves it cause the place is hot, we can all touch the flame. Someone I
think it was Steve (U2fan) pointed out that right now is a great time to
be a U2 fan. I think he's right... maybe, we do after all like the
greatest band in the world (so I'm biased - sue me) and they are in the
studio recording (or so we're told) plus we're gonna get us all a Greatest
Hits Album and last (but not by any means at all least) we have this
really cool community of fans type thingy right here on the net. And you
gotta love that.

But hey... some people don't want a GH album for whatever reason while
others do for their own reasons.
Fair enough I guess. But not when ur told either "buy it or don't and quit
whinging" or "real fans wouldn't say that"


Diversity and debate (so long as it stays outta the *ur mothers is a
whore* category) is always, always healthy. Homogenity of views is dull,
the pressure to conform is dull. U2 are artists, taste is the enemy of
art. There's about 4,000 of us on this list... I bet each and every one of
us has different taste and opinions. There is no such thing as *One
Nation* (no matter what Pauline wants to believe) and no such thing as
*One voice* no matter how much we each think we're right.

As to the GH album (to flog a really dead horse) I hope they don't do it
but if they do I will buy it. Its just my opinion but I believe I'm
entitled to voice it within a discussion of the band as artists. To me GH
albums lack artistic merit. But whatever....

All I really wanna say is I love WIRE and I love it most when we fight
amongst ourselves because that shows true strength. Diversity is a
beautiful thing.

Love and Peace,

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