Re: The Future For U2 Has Indeed Dried Up (inflamnable post!)

Robbie Robinson ([email protected])
Sat, 05 Sep 1998 11:15:52 -0700

J wrote:
> Some "facts":
> - U2 have lost more old fans than the new ones they gained from due to
> Pop, Passengers and maybe perhaps Zooropa. My basis for this is that
> Pop did not sell as well as previous albums despite the fact that the
> world population now in considerably bigger than 1987 and
> globalization has made information and communication a lot easier than
> before. Thus, theoretically speaking, it would have been easier for
> Pop to be sold and marketed in this age yet it didn't sell so well.
> (Note: I am speaking only of sales, but not about my opinion on how
> good/bad the album was musically in comparison to the past albums)
> -U2 will never do a tour as big as Popmart again. This is all
> speculation but I am sure most of you will agree on this.
> -U2 aren't getting any younger so unless they come up with toally
> "poppy" lyrically meaningless music, they will never "connect" with
> the Hanson/Spice Girls generation as well as Hanso and Spice Girls do
> tehmselves. (notice: I did not say they do not connect but I just said
> that they might not connect as well)
> Thus, popularity-wise U2's future has definitely dried up. A greatest
> hits album may gain them more fans than the one's they will lose. But
> then again, I just want to say that creativity-wise, U2 has not dried
> Even if I'm the last fan left standing, as long as they be themselves
> and make their music, I will always be a fan without giving a shit if
> you guys will still be their fans or not for "selling out" due to a
> greatest hits release.
> Cheers,
> J

Oh, J, your full of it.
U2 did very well.
Better than any other band in 1997 that had fans past puberty
and all while having no support from the press (in USA, anyway).
The future is still an open book.
Your just trying to stir the list up more than it is.
I'm already tired of this whole Greatest Hits thread.
Lets just shut up and wait to see what happens when it comes
out at the same time as the Popmart video (and maybe Entrophy).
Then we'll have something real to talk about and not just a
bunch of half-baked opinions.



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