Reply: Just Some Comments. VERY long with sarcasm.

Tim Both ([email protected])
Sat, 06 Feb 1999 05:07:20 +0930

Hey all,

Seems as if a bee has entered a bonnet so let me reply:

'Nick' said:

> Tim, you strike me as a person that loves the sound of your own voice. I see a lot of your little comments >littering the archive,most of them are very non funny and virtually all of them are useless. But what really >cracks me up is the following: When you started out you stated that you'd *never* sell any boots - you'd only >ever charge postage and you'd only ever do tapes as CD-Rs are a total rip off.

Pretty sure that I NEVER said that CD-Rs were a rip off. Paying
ridiculous amounts for them IS a rip off. As for you to judge what is
funny and useless is a little rich. Check the Wire rules. Where does it
say 'All posts MUST be useful AND funny or you will be kicked off the

> Then you started charging for your tapes - in order to off set the cost of the boots you bought. Now
> you're doing CD-Rs and charging a bit for them. Did I miss something? Didn't you either lead, or at least be >an active participant in the attack on people doing CD-Rs and charging more than a few dollars? You charge >US$25 for a double? Outrageous! The blank discs cost about $1 each if you buy more than 10 at a time - which >I'm sure you are. You're just as bad as the people you once attacked. Funny about that.

Not funny at all really. Yes I have moved into doing a few CD-Rs. So far
I have sold about 4 Zoo Tv sets and 4 Salome sets. ALL of these sets
have been burnt by friends or relatives. I have paid these people for
the cost of their CD-Rs and the time it took to burn them. Here in
Australia Cd-Rs cost $3.50 each. I see this as a natural progression.
Tapes cut it for a while but now I am able to do a few (and it is a few,
you have to admit) CD-Rs with the help of others. I FULLY admit I have
made a small profit. I'm sorry but after doing almost a hundred tapes
for chump change the gloss has gone. I am able to supply a very few
people with a high quality product at a price that's a damn sight
cheaper than others. I have delivered on every occasion.

> It's a weird thing - a person starts up, charges next to nothing, gains a resonable name, slowly adds charges >without anyone really noticing and then moves into the field they really want to be in.
Thank you for point that out 'Nick', that I have stopped doing tapes.
I'm sure that everyone has just clicked onto that one too.

> And in order to keep that 'great trader' name you (Tim) seem only too keen to evoke the name of a bad one, >and you know who that is. I'm sick and tired of seeing his name on Wire. Let the authorities catch up with >him, why don't you just leave it out?> Did he rip you off?

Sorry I can't. 'He's' a crook. No he didn't rip me off but the fact he
did it to others is the main point.I didn't really approve of 'him'
offering to punch me when I didn't promise to leave him alone when we
met on one occasion. Can I prove that? Sure can.

> If he didn't then who appointed you the moral guardian
> of Wire? You don't act for me. I can actually think for myself.

Who pointed YOU moral guardian of Wire? You don't act for others. They
can think for themselves. Hypocrite!

> I seem to think that Tim only brings up the dreaded name just to push himself further into the spotlight as a >'nice guy', thus deflecting light from himself.

So that's 'into' the light and 'away' from it at the same time? A
magician I am!

But what bad light is that? Who have I ripped off? Who have I not sent
CDs to? Who do I owe money to?

>Mind you Tim claims that he bought a copy of the ZooTV boot from the certain person. Did you
> Tim or did you buy it from someone else? I remember that the person always
> said he had a supplier. Maybe you bought from the supplier Tim.

Nope sorry. Never said I bought it from Danny. I said I bought Danny's
CD. It's like saying I bought KTS' Zoo Europa but I didn't get in a
plane and fly to Italy to do it. I bought in full public view of about
100 people at a CD show.
> Still I expect to get flamed for these observations, because I also see a pattern here. The same few people >go into bat for their friends, thus making such observations pretty null and void. I hope that some people >here use thier brains and see beyond the rosey picture that Tim and Co. paint for themselves. But then it >seems that this is no longer the U2 Wire, but more like the Tim Both and Pals Wire.

Uh huh... There hasn't been any mention of Danny and I for a VERY long
time. Only until today. Thanks for reviving my fan club 'Nick'.

> And Tim, maybe only one person responded to your earlier post about you know who (and I certainly don't want to mention the name - it's overdone as it is) because maybe, just maybe, he didn't rip as many people off as YOU claim he did.

You're wrong. There have been enough people for Consumer Affairs to get
involved. Just proves that posting things twice gets better results.

> But then that would be too much of a shock wouldn't it? How about just leaving the dead dogs buried and move >on. If you're as half as good as you say you are then you don't need to use other people as a crutch.

Forget that people are owed money and I can help get it back? Sorry, no.
Never said I was good. Just a reliable person who delivers the goods.

> And this is from a person that was ripped by Geraldo. Where is he now?

It's all falling into place! Have you ever posted before 'Nick'? I did a
search in the archives and came up a blank on you. How come you waited
until now to do it? Why not last month? 3 months ago when my first CD-Rs
came out? Two weeks ago even? Why post today when the heat is really
being turned up on you er... sorry, on Danny.

Nice try Daniel.



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