Lucy In The Sky With Lemons ([email protected])
Fri, 5 Feb 1999 06:55:30 -0700
Maybe-I haven't bothered looking at a map. Someone else
can get your shows. I've already got one, and I'll not be a
whiney pig and beg for more!!! :o) That wouldn't be nice.
Ah, one of these days the Powerball answers will be ones
that *only* I know! Aah, yes..... Then I'll start giving away stuff.
Anyway, thank you so much for passing on your shows!
You're right to make the questions tricky. There are plenty of
people out there who are tickled to go figuring out your puzzles,
and they deserve a prize just for persistance. I am impressed
by anyone who has the patience to figure out--or write--some of
those clues. I'm just feeling far too lazy! wah.
quote of the day:
"..they had to walk cause they aint got no hands or fingers..."
That's funny. I'm not sure why, but it is.
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