christina hyde ([email protected])
Fri, 05 Feb 1999 05:34:18 PST
I won't take up too much space here. I am terribly sorry if I have
offended any of you with my Bloody Sunday post a few days ago. It was an
experience I had and I wanted to share it with WIRE. I'll be more
cautious next time I guess.
Stephen- I have already send you another e-mail, so I really don't need
to address all your points. I will say this though, I agree with most of
what you are saying. Your points are well taken over here and they add
to what I still have to learn about the conflict. In all seriousness,
thank you for pointing out another angle for me to look at. However, I
don't appreciate you telling me to leave YOUR country. I can't help but
be defensive about that. I understand where you are coming from, but
don't tell me where I should and shouldn't be. I am ignorant and I admit
I haven't had a chance to read wire, so I don't know about what you
posted a few days ago. I am sorry to hear about your friend.
Anyway sorry to take up space again!
Have a u2ey day!
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