F. Javier Dieguez ([email protected])
Fri, 5 Feb 1999 10:17:05 +0100
>Carsten said
>Now my question : what exactly are the mothers saying in the beginning ans
>at the end of 'Mothers of the Disappeared' ?
No problem!
Original version:
Gracias...mi esposo, Waldo Pizarro Molina, detenido o desaparecido
Mi hijo Orlando Patricio Coroteguas Quintero
Mi esposo Pedro Silvogusto, detenido o desaparecido el 9 de Agosto de 1976
Mi hermano detenido el 9 de Septiembre de 1987
Mi hermano Newton Morales Saavedra, detenido o desaparecido el 13 de agosto
desde 1974
(El pueblo vencera)
Soy esclava de la muerte de varios de mis ni�os, detenidos o desaparecidos
Soy hija de Raul Montoya Espinches
Soy hermana de Vicente Garc�a
Mi hijo Gerardo Ernesto Silvio Sant�bar, detenido o desaparecido desde el 10
Diciembre de 1974, �exijo justicia!
Soy hija de Victor Manuel Diaz Lopez, detenido o desaparecido desde el 12 de
Mayo de
1976, tambi�n exijo justicia.
S.., Soy Madre de H�ctor Marcial Cada�as Bostilla, detenido y desaparecido
el 8 de
Julio de 1974, �exijo justicia!
Buenas noches, we love you Santiago
Translated version:
Thank you...My husband, Waldo Pizarro Molina, caught or disappeared
My son Orlando Patricio Coroteguas Quintero
My husband Pedro Silvogusto, caught or dissapeared on August 9th, 1976
My brother, caught on September 9th, 1987
My brother Netwon Morales Saavedra, caught or disappeared on August 13th
since 1974
(The people united will overcome)
I'm slave of the death of some of my children, caught or disappeared
I'm a daugher of Raul Montoya Espinches
I'm a sister of Vicente Garcia
My son, Gerardo Ernesto Silvio Santibar, caught or disappered since December
1974, �i demand justice!
I'm a daughter of Victor Manuel Diaz Lopez, caught or disappeared since
May 12th, 1976, i do also demand justice
I...I'm the mother of Hector Marcial Cada�as Bostilla, caught or disappeared
on July 8th, 1974, �i demand justice!
Good night, we love you Santiago.
I may have misunderstood some of the Surnames. They are a lot dirrefent
from the typical Surnames in Spain. Also the accent is different,
but i am confident that most words are correct.
-- http://personal.redestb.es/odieguez/u2
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