Re: RE: Random Thoughts (Best "one", setlists, etc.)

Matt McGee ([email protected])
Thu, 4 Feb 1999 23:11:26 -0800

At 12:01 AM -0500 2/5/99, J wrote:
>But on the other side of the equation, Pride is a popular song and was
>released as a single so it may in a way be justified. BTBS, however,
>already has an album version, a R&H version, a Stay single version (3
>official versions), and that song is not even a top 40 song or a single.

You're also not mentioning that Bullet was featured on the cover of "Rattle
& Hum," and accordingly on all the promo artwork for the movie. It was part
of the "centerpiece" section of the show during both Zoo TV and PopMart.
One explanation for all this: it is Paul McGuinness' favorite song.

(To save folks the trouble of emailing, a little birdie told me. I've
interviewed a few little birdies for the book I'm working on. if you're curious. I'm sure this sounds pompous. Sorry
about that. It's not intended to be!)

>However, I aprreciate very much U2's efforts to reinvent BTBS for
>every tour. It always seems to have a new arrangement and new melody.

So true, and I think that's one of the great things about U2's live shows -
listening to how songs develop over the course of an individual tour
(listen to "Please" or "Hold Me, Thrill Me..." from an early and a late
PopMart show) and how they develop over the course of several tours.

> Sadly, the same cannot be said of their other songs. New Year's Day
>has been played the same way, and the same with Streets (except for
>the instrumental "epilogue" in the end which really is more of an
>extension rather than a new arrangement).

Gotta disagree with ya about "Streets." They've changed that every tour.
Very guitar-oriented during "Joshua Tree," very techno-oriented during
PopMart. Zoo TV was in the middle.

Matt McGee / [email protected]
@U2 Web Page Curator

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