Elena E. ([email protected])
Thu, 4 Feb 1999 22:32:48 -0600 (CST)
this morning i awoke (the tear was there, on my
tongue, like never before, like never again) from
a dream wherein i was in a military camp with a
friend, and i got up to play the juke box (...),
and when i sat down, some other band came on. i
mean, another band. somebody else.
but, i have of late,--but wherefore i know not,--
lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises;
and, indeed, it goes so heavily with my disposition
that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a
sterile promonotory...oh wait, no. no, that's
someone else.
somebody else! yes, i played another band, so i
checked my temperature, normal; i took my pulse,
average; i even had my blood pressure taken, quite
healthy. i have (of late) been having nightmares,
sweet dreams that turn to harsh reality, and, perhaps,
the dreams that come when death's second self seals
me up in rest...well, perhaps, i should go to sleep
with _the joshua tree_ on rather than, say, another band.
to sleep!
You'll flow down her river
She'll ask and you'll give her
"Lips Like Sugar" (E&TB)
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