Dara Zeehandelaar ([email protected])
Thu, 04 Feb 1999 15:39:14 -0800
Anyway, here's the good news first: the shoot is not JUST this week,
it's for 35 DAYS! This was confirmed by a bunch of people, not just the
PA, so if you want to go by and see the sign or filming or whatever, you
have awhile to do so. The average movie shoot is about 8 weeks, so
that's a big chunk of the movie. Here's more good news- apparently Bono
(I don't know about the rest of U2) will be doing the soundtrack. I'm
pretty sure that was a no-brainer, but there's some 'confirmation' for
you. Here's the last bit of good news- Bono's part *will* be filmed
there. Now, notice I said "Bono's part" and not "Bono." Read on for
the bad news...
The bad news (wait, let me call this the bad RUMOR! Not confirmed!
Just rumor!!!): Bono's part might not be Bono's part. The PA had no
doubt that at *some* point Bono would be there to see how the project
was coming, although he didn't know when. But he also said that he knew
that Bono might not be playing whatever bit part he had, because of
scheduling conflicts and because he was in the studio right now (woohoo,
in the studio!). Important note: this is in NO WAY confirmed! I'm just
repeating what I heard from a production assistant. RUMOR RUMOR RUMOR!
<--there, is that enough of a disclaimer!
Anyway, hope this information was beneficial to some. Oh, one more
thing- the security guard says "HI" to all the people who came
wearing lemon,
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