Marc Rocheleau ([email protected])
Thu, 04 Feb 1999 16:21:10 -0500
I'd like to hear live again, and the second is songs that I've never
heard life, or songs that I want the band to cover (I can dream, can't
Songs I wanna hear live again
1. Running To Stand Still - The ZooTV version of this song is amazing.
2. Bad - Yeah, they sang it at a few POPmart shows, do the song right,
and it could be an amazing regular on the setlist.
3. Exit - This song is just amazing. Hearing the guitar solo is reason
enough for me to want this back live.
4. In God's Country - I've always really liked this song. Don't ask me
why. I think it's great though.
5. Ultraviolet (Light My Way) - VERY cool song when done live. We'll
probably never hear it again though. It doesn't fit.
6. Zooropa - This song was done like once, I think and it was with the
sounds on tape. This song is VERY underestimated, just like....
7. Daddy's Gonna Pay - The MacPhisto version is great. If Mr. Mac ever
came back, this song would have to as well.
8. Dirty Day - This song is just amazing, although the live version from
ZooTV seemed crappy compared to the real thing. If they did it right, it
would be the highlight of many shows.
9. If God Will Send His Angels - Can someone tell me why they dropped
this song from the setlist in the first place? The vegas Performance
wasn't that great, IMO, although the D.C. Popmart performance, was
great, cause it was so different from the original version, it gave a
completely different image.
10. Stay (Faraway, So Close!) Okay, the acoustic version sucked. They
need to perform this song on-stage, and with electric instruments. I
that way about Staring At The Sun too, but that's a whole other story,
that I shall get into at another time. Look for a weekly article called
U2 Live, with my opinions. I have so many of them. :^)
Songs The Band Should sing (for the first time. No pun intended) or
1. Some days are Better Than Others - I have a feeling the band could
turn this song into something really kick-arse. Isn't this the only song
besides the Wanderer that wasn't played live, from Zooropa?
2. Holy Joe - You don't know how good this song would sound live.
Although, it's a B-side, so it might never happen. Then again, they DID
play North And South Of The River, on the Late Late Show, so maybe
there's hope? :^)
3. Everybody Hurts - A cover of the R.E.M. song would be perfect for a
last song or something. I think Bono would do a very good job with it.
It shouldn't be to off-beat for him to perform it, since U2 seems to
have some sort of bond with R.E.M.
4. Playboy Mansion - I just wanna hear what this song would sound like
live. They sang little bits sometimes in Where The Streets Have No Name
on POPmart, but that isn't enough. if Miami made it into the concerts,
than by all means, Playboy Mansion should have.
5. Slow Dancing - Yeah, okay they've sang it a couple times before, I
think. But this version would be really good, because on the screen, it
would have Willie Nelson singing along with Bono and Edge *Much like the
Lou Reed thing on ZooTV*
6. Karma Police - A Radiohead cover here would be very neat. Radiohead
has often been dubbed The U2 for the new age. Why not steal one of their
songs? I think that this would work, much like Everybody Hurts would at
the end of the show.
7. Never Tear Us Apart - Yeah, bits and pieces of this have been sung,
but the full version as a tribute to M.H. would be a moving and
emotional thing to do during the concert. I think Bono could do justice
to this song.
8. Happiness Is A Warm Gun - The gun mix rocked, and since U2 seemed to
do a great job with another Beatles song, Rain, this would be greatly
welcomed by many fans I think.
9. I got the feelin' (Oh no, no) - An OLD Neil Diamond song. BTW, don't
think I'm that old. I'm only 16, and well, my parents listen to Neil, so
nyah. :^P Anyway, this song would work, cause I think that the band
could do a great version of it. The song itself doesn't have to be
changed much, cause it doesn't sound like most old songs. The
instruments are basic, and make it sound like some of the simple stuff
that comes out today.
10. Wishlist - A song off the new Pearl Jam album, Yield, this song is
very slow paced, and would work at the end of a show again. Again, not
too much of a stretch, since Pearl Jam opened quite a few shows for the
band on the ZooTV tour.
Well, that's all I have to say. What do you guys want to hear? E-mail me
at [email protected] and tell me! I'll post the top 10 on Wire every week.
Sound good? Good! Get Ready for U2 Live! It's coming your way. :^)
- Marc "Yeah, I'm 16. Got a problem with it?" :^)
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