The Best One - Sydney

David Lang ([email protected])
Thu, 4 Feb 1999 21:23:38 +1000 (GMT+1000)

   I was lucky enough to see U2 in Sydney Popmart, and was front row, just
to the left of Bono. I have never been so caught up in a moment before,
four minutes in which every emotion I have ever felt or ever likely to
have felt in one experience. I've got it on CD now of course, but to be
there, to be that close to Bono, to see that look on his face when he was
playing the solo towards the end. He was staring down, at some invisible
point between the stage and the barrier, and he wasn't sad, it was if you
could almost read his thoughts. To me, it wasn't "I'm sorry you're gone
Michael", more like, "This Is what happens, this is life, there is nothing
I can do about it". Bono pulled the words from his heart for that song,
and it didn't matter if you were front row, or a nosebleeder, you could
tell on that hot, rainy night.

    I remember looking at Bono and thinking this is the lsat time I will
ever see this man this close, and I made sure that my eyes were focussed
on him, let the music carry me away, thank you Mr. Stipe. At one moment I
remembered I shut my eyes, because this wasn't sensory overload, this was
emotion overload, and with the lights out, just U2 on stage, and this
song, this single, unifying song, it all made sense. The darkness, the
thunder and the lightning, like Michael was there in spirit. If you never
believe another thing I say in life, believe this, he was there.

    Of course, I could be wrong about all this. Rather than judge which
"One" was numero uno, I think we should be happy that out of all songs,
all music, all art, "One" is the true work of geniu!. Gracias, U2!

    "The Adam Boy", or known around Brisbane as the curly-haired freak!

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