Solo el hombre tiene forma de cruz

Celeste Romero Cano ([email protected])
Thu, 4 Feb 1999 01:20:04 -0300

Bono walks to the railing of the B-stage to finish Last Night On Earth.
The rest of the band keep playing on the other side, under the giant
screen and the neon shadows, while Bono goes deeper into the heart of the
crowd, reaching the last inch of the B-stage and thinking seriously about
diving into the audience.

We sing LNOE as if this is really our last night on earth ... the song
is finishing, and we know it ... we scream and roar so loud throughout
the whole show that it is almost impossible to note the difference
between one song and another ... Bono is in a trance caused by our
energy. He seems to breathe and feed off our complete surrender.

That was our first time. Thursday, February 5th, 1998. Buenos Aires

Well, The Edge delivers his last note from the main stage, and Bono
stretches out his arms from his sides ... a giant Irish flag is thrown
from the audience, covering Bono's entire body ... he doesn't move ...
the lights pass right through the tri-color, cutting out his silhouette
under the storming white sky.

He is shaped like a cross. Man alone is shaped like a cross. Ten long
seconds pass ... Edge shoots a worried look over to the B-stage ...
finally, the wind blows the flag down uncovering Bono's right arm and
head. This seems to calm Edge, who starts to play a dense and tortured
version of Until the End of the World

The flag falls to Bono's feet ... only then does he open his eyes, and
waking, steps down from the cross.


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