[email protected]
Thu, 4 Feb 1999 01:37:41 EST
<< According to the episode guide I get, Comedy Central's
noon rerun tomorrow is going to feature Adam Sandler's impression of him
(not the Sinatra thing, but something else). No big deal but thought it
might be sort of fun. >>
Hey PopTarts,
In reference to this post, I believe the episode you're talking about is the
one in which Adam Sandler (as Bono) makes a guest appearance during the
Headline News segment with Kevin Nealon. It was a St. Patrick's Day episode,
so Adam Sandler (as Bono) is singing a little "ditty" on not getting to drunk
on St. Patty's Day. It's about a 2 minute song or so. Adam Sandler doesn't do
a very good job impersonating Bono's accent, but does a fairly impressive job
(more humorous than anything) of mocking Bono's heavy breathing in between
words and hitting some of those high notes he tends to like so much. I have
this song in .wav format if anyone is interested. Just thought I'd throw my
two cents in about this! Later all!
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