[email protected]
Wed, 3 Feb 1999 08:45:26 EST
Whoah Satanic imagery, age mumbo jumbo, I wonder what will
enter our conversation next!? Well this what ive heard regarding new age...I
seem to remember a wireling giving an account of bono's reaction to being
asked if he believes in astrology and the answer was "no, he was a
christian"..well we all know about larry and the bulls blood treatments,um
there was the account of bono's distrust of masseuses and in "u2 at the end of
the world" it shows bono complaining about how massueses are into reading
auras...although it does also show that apparently his masseuse "did his
polarities" and I believe Larry's as well. Personally I have no prob with
alternative medicine.....and have never considered it the same area as
horoscope reading or faith healing...(im guessing you are referring to the
benny hinn types here right?)
in the name of hope faith and love
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