Michael Ball ([email protected])
Tue, 02 Feb 1999 02:55:34 -0500
For the longest time I've heard it referred to as the "Million Dollar
Hotel" as it was in this little item I just snagged off of E! Online from
the "Ask Marilyn Beck" section of the items they send out on Pointcast
>Ask Marilyn
>Saturday, January 30, 1999
>Dear Marilyn: I am a big Mel Gibson fan and especially loved
>the two movies he directed (Braveheart and The Man Without
>a Face). Will he be appearing in or directing another film
>anytime soon?
>Cissy Kelly, Philadelphia
>Dear Cissy: Mel, who starred in and produced but didn't direct
>the upcoming action caper Payback, is also getting ready to
>begin production on The Million-Dollar Hotel in which he'll
>investigate the murder of an former mental patient.
But on the Internet Movie Database, it is listed as the "Billion Dolar
Hotel." Though one of the working titles is listed as "Million Dollar
Hotel." Any wisdom out there in Wireland I can tap into to resolve this
title conflict?
Michael Ball
[email protected]
"Hey man, I don't need a laminate, I'm with the band"
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