Re: U2 time

Matt McGee ([email protected])
Sun, 31 Jan 1999 23:10:10 -0800

Michelle asked:
>if anyone knows where to find a copy of the article on the net, can you
>let us know! sorry if this qn has been asked a million times before

Take a look at

Speaking of @U2, I am looking for any new MIDI files you folks have
discovered lately. @U2 now has 79 MIDIs available, which is one of the (if
not THE) largest collections around.

I'm also on the hunt for new Macintosh-related U2 stuff for the Mac
Downloads page. If any other Mac users have stuff to contribute, please get
in touch. I'll be uploading 4-5 new Desktop Picture patterns tonight,
including a 1987 photo of the band on top of the real "Million Dollar

Thanks gang,
Matt McGee / [email protected]
@U2 Web Page Curator

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