Come together.

Paul Bergman ([email protected])
Sun, 31 Jan 1999 14:33:10 CST

Hey Wire,

How's everyone doing out there? Does anyone know anything about a U2
tribute album coming out in March that'll be done by an orchestra? I
went to HMV yesterday and it was on there. Won't that be beautiful?

Also, if there are any guitarists, bassists actually, that have any
information about Adam's basses, amps, and effects and on which songs he
uses them, please drop me a line. Or if you have any tabs for the rarer
songs, please snd them to me. If you're a guitarist who just want to
learn more about the U2 sound, stop by:

Take a look around. Maybe even subscribe to the mailing list.

I don't like getting involved in these useless discussions on Wire, but
let's leave the guys personal lives out of it. They've always said they
have the best fans, and I think we should honour that by leaving their
sex lives, their privacy alone. It's none of our business. We've gone
through a lot of bad threads on Wire but I must say this is probably one
of the worst one's I've seen. If you're going to say, "Just skip the
post and go to the next." Don't worry, I already do, but this is giving
other people the idea that we should and we want to know exactly what's
going on in their lives. Let's give them a break and leave them alone,

J, you had a great idea the other day about websites kinda banding
together with MP3's and what not. I've been thinking about this for a
while. U2 has a lot of pages on the internet which is great thing to be
able to say about the band. I think it would be extremely cool, if
some, quite a few hopefully, websites pooled their resources so there
wouldn't be as much overlap. Saving space, creating superpages,
creating these "monsters". Wouldn't it be great? It's kinda like what
U2 stand for. It would make headlines, and we would be revolutionary
fans. I think it would be a beautiful, and communitive effort on behalf
of the internet inclined fans. Oh well, just a dream : )

On the better news, I bought the Q magazine with Bono in there and the
Top 100 Singles of All Time. It's kinda cool. That have a picture of
the guys in Hanover Studios, very very recent. Bono says Edge has
fallen in love with the electric guitar. Isn't that grand? Bono seems
really excited about the coming year. If this rumour about Daniel
Lanios saying the album is near completion, let's get ready to rock!!!
Later, Wire.


And may your dreams,
Be realized.

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