Bono and his constitutional right to masturbate

Julia Rotchniak ([email protected])
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 13:12:29 -0500

>I'm sure Bono has cheated on his wife, if not recurrently, at least
>once since they got married. But, that doesn't make him slime. It
>makes him human. Would you be upset if the guy masturbated too?

OK, do not equal the two. Masturbation is a physical necessity.
Adultery is a sign the lack of emotional satisfaction in the current
relationship. It also reveals quite questionable moral standards.
Unlike adultery, masturbation does not hurt anybody.

Most men masturbate even if they have a steady sexual partner/
are happily married for 20 years/ have sex with their girl- or
boyfriends every day, etc. So, big deal!

And, no, you can't go blind from doing this :)

Best regards,

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