
Sharon Winsatt ([email protected])
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 05:58:44 PST

Well so far no one has answered my request concerning specifics about
Bono's infidelities...all I get are 'well I'm sure he did'...

I have gotten e-mail though from people agreeing with me...saying
basically 'I wish these people would either put up or shut up!" but I
guess that is not to be. As long as people are convinced even though
there is nothing behind them these rumours they will continue..and to
the person who accused me of continuing the rumours remember I asked
that anything be mailed to me privately and it will stay private...I
will not spread it about.

 And one thinks Bono is slime if he did...or will think less of
him and his music...if he did and Ali forgave him that's their problem is with words flying around with no foundation
except "well..he must have..."

Some did say they also wondered why no one asked about if Ali stayed
faithful to Bono...I really honestly think she probably has.(Just like
I'm going to say that Bono has probably stayed faithful to her) .I just
wanted to f**k up the mainstream a little bit.

And song lyrics are not always autobiographical.. a novelist will make
up a character for a book but that character is not the author..he is a
made up somebody..songwriters will do the same. The songs are not
always about the songwriter. The band has on occasion written songs
from a woman's point of view...I suppose we could have fun with that


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