Meg Loudin ([email protected])
Fri, 29 Jan 1999 08:53:19 -0500 (EST)
Actually, that makes no sense whatsoever does it????
So anyhoo, my random thought of the day: I was listening to
my Point Depot Bootleg (27.12.89) which is like the last
show of the Rattle and Hum Tour, and when Bono said
something to the effect of "Ok, we're going away now, bye".
So of course the last song at the end of the tape is "40"
and i couldn't help but notice that the guitar solo during
this song sounds very "Achtung Baby"ish. Does anyone agree
with me, or is it just me??? I don't know.
Ginny a dit:
"On page 6 of the New York Post last weekend there was a
small paragraph about
Johnny Depp attending the opening of his new club in Paris with co-owners
Michael Keaton and Sean Penn. Guests included Bono and Kate Moss. The club
is called Le Man Ray. "
Gosh Durnity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was living in Paris for
four months (between Sept. and Dec. 98) and whats the first
thing that happens when I get back??? Fricking Bono has to
show up. Sheesh!!!!!!! The only famous person I saw in
Paris was Val Kilmer, and I didn't even like TOP GUN.
Ok, I have mental issues,
Loudin, Margaret M
[email protected]
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