Nikki ! ([email protected])
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 12:43:00 PST
I just got home from the doctor's office and the lady there who was
takin' my tempurature and all that good stuff saw my shirt (the Joshua
Tree one :) and immediately said, "Oh, I love them."
"You like them too?! How cool! They're my *faaaaavorite*," I said.
"Yeah, I've seen them a couple times..."
"No kidding?!? Me too! [I was, like, wiggin' out here] I saw the
Popmart show."
"Ah, well I didn't go to that one. It just seemed...I dunno...too
"I seeeee. [That's what I said, but inside, I wanted to roll my eyes.
Like, shya right, lady! lol] Did you see the ZooTV tour???"
"Yeah, that was great!"
"And I saw them at some festival like thing..."
"In the 80s?"
"Yeah...and they played with Public Enemy."
"Whoa- how cool!"
This chick was so awesome. And THEN she said:
"And that Bono is *such* a babe."
"Ooooooohmigosh, I KNOW!" I was crackin' up! "My friends always tease
me about that."
"Really? Well, he is just darling. And I have a friend who looks just
like him...."
"NO way!" [I almost asked her how old he was and to hook us up if he
was young enough, but...held it back...hehe]
And then the doctor came in and interrupted our little U2 bonding
session and notified me I have strep-throat. *ugh*. Great- just great.
But...I'm on pennicilin or somethin' like that now, so he said it's
still groovy if I go to San Diego, so that's cool. :) He said I just
can't kiss anyone or share any drinks. Well *that* sucks! LOL It's ok
though, I think I'll survive....
Anyway, just wanted to share that bitchin' little story from this
See ya ;)
P.S. I still never get what's up with some people and their thoughts
about "the new U2"-- their stuff bein' too "commercial-like."
*Whatever* is all I have to say about that. I guess some people just
didn't see the fun and humor in it all. They didn't get the joke...
That bugs.
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