
Sharon Winsatt ([email protected])
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 12:35:52 PST

Bono cheated on Ali...I have heard this for years but I have never seen
any specifics...nothing. All I have heard is "I have
heard..." or 'He may have.." where do they get this?? and don't give me
that Christy Turlington thing. It was exposed as pure gossip...
I really don't care what went on...but I'm rather tired of people
passing this rumour on with nothing to back it up ..and I'm sorry...the
fact that other rock stars do it is not's nothing because we
do not know in fact that 'other rock stars do it." Some may...some may
This is not meant to be an attack on the orginal poster but simply
exasperation at the way this thing keeps on going.
If somebody knows something please pass it on to me in private
e-mail...not because I am anxious for gossip...I would just like to know
the source of all this non-specific specualtion and I will keep it
private.... come no one asks if Ali ever cheated on Bono?


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