Manderin |U2 Guru| ([email protected])
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 12:08:18 CST
Ok, so I was sitting here in my dorm room, talking to my roommate
about U2. Otherwise known as my obsession. Anyway, I was speaking
quite highly of Bono, as I always do, and she suddenly cut in that he
most definitely cheats on his wife like any other guy in a band on the
road, and therefore he isn't as great and wonderful as I say he is. I
found this deeply appalling (that she doesn't think Bono is God!) and
I was wondering if any of you guys agree with her, that Bono cheats on
Ali and therefore he is slime....?
*sigh* myself, i try not to think about stuff like this..
EVERYONE's life is there own right? I think anythign personal to do with
either adam, larry, the edge or bono is just that.. PERSONAL.. and
bono's sex life it VERY PERSONAL.. if he cheats, that's up to him and if
ali is staying with him, that is up to her.. Bono's sexual habits don't
hamper his ablity to help create some of the most beautiful music
around.. (but then again a HAPPY bono is a HAPPY bono, ya know what i am
sayin?? :P)
so yeah..:) sure it's intersting to talk about and that but i just think
how I would feel if i knew ppl talked about my sexual habits with
everyone..:P heehee So yeah.. that's my worthless two canuck cents..
hope i didn't come acorss as harsh or nuthing.. if ya wanna talk go
right ahead, it's just not my speed..:)
toodles all
-=why not a LEMON?=-
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