Jovi ([email protected])
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 06:57:42 -0800 (PST)
There are countless branches of U2 clothing in Hong Kong because I
have been there but I am not sure about Singapore although I have
heard there are too. I'm not sure if the company is based in Hong
Kong or Singapore but the U2 they refer to is really not the U2 band
we love. Their logo is not the U2 band or U2 spyplane but is a tree
(nope, not a Joshua Tree). They make pretty good clothes as I
remember it right. When I went to their store, I was just about done
with me shoping for clothes but I was able to buy a pair of shorts.
This was three years ago and I those shorts are still as good as ever.
The good thing is that these things are not expensive.
Bye for now,
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